Wind Turbine
Inspection Services
In the world of renewable energy, regular wind turbine inspections are a crucial aspect of maintaining the optimal performance and longevity of your rotor blades. Our experienced wind turbine technicians based in Alberta Canada, we understand the intricate details involved in safeguarding your investment against potential damages. At BladeTex we conduct wind turbine inspections, our meticulous approach involves scrutinizing the rotor blades, tower, and foundation for various types of damages
The Importance of Regular Wind Turbine Inspections
Ensuring Optimal Performance
Wind turbines operate in diverse and often challenging environmental conditions. Regular inspections are instrumental in identifying issues that may compromise the turbines’ optimal performance, such as wear and tear, structural concerns, or imbalance.
Longevity Of Investments
Wind turbines represent significant investments, and their longevity is directly linked to the effectiveness of maintenance measures. Our Wind Turbine inspections aim to prolong the life of your wind turbines by identifying and addressing potential damages early on.
Safety Assurance
At BladeTex safety is a non-negotiable aspect of wind energy operations. We complete our comprehensive inspections in the safest possible manner. We also ensure that the structural integrity of the turbines is maintained, mitigating risks associated with potential damages.

Types Of Rotor Blade Damages

Top Coat Damage
- Pinholes: Minor issue if the laminate remains unexposed.
- Scratches: Surface-level damages.
- Breakage: Structural concerns demanding immediate action.
- Abrasion: Wear and tear.
- Chalking Effect: Resulting from UV rays or material failure.

Laminate Damage
- Circular or Half Circle Cracks: Indicative of an old repair spot.
- Dry Laminate: Production failure leading to vulnerability.
- Buckling: Can occur during transportation or installation, affecting the blade’s integrity.

- Trailing Edge Issues: Improper adhesion can lead to the trailing edge opening.
- Shell-Spar Adhesion Failure: Debonding when the shell does not adhere to the spar.
Lightning Strikes
Burn Marks or Structural Damage: Severe damages requires inspection and repair.
Serrations and Vortex Generators
- Broken Serrations or Dino Tails: damages affecting noise levels.
- Broken Vortex Generators or Missing Zigzag Tape: Impacting wind flow and blade efficiency.
Leading Edge Erosion
- Inevitable wear, often necessitating periodic replacement of leading edge protection products.
Lightning Strikes
Among the myriad of threats, lightning strikes stand out as one of the most severe. The damages inflicted can range from burn marks on the topcoat to the extreme, such as a hull bursting open. Repairing lightning damage is a process that demands expertise and attention to detail.
Wind Turbine Inspection Reports and Recommendations:
Upon the completion of our comprehensive wind turbine inspections, BladeTex will provide a detailed report. This report will include images and an in-depth evaluation of the identified defects. Our report includes recommendations on how to proceed with repairs, ensuring transparency and a clear path forward for maintaining the integrity of your wind turbines.
Causes of Rotor Damage
Understanding the causes of damages is fundamental to developing effective inspection and maintenance strategies. Our thorough wind turbine inspections encompass various factors that may lead to damages, including:
Overload: Excessive stress on the rotor blades due to increased wind speeds or exceeding the maximum designed capacity.
Aging: Natural wear and tear over time, resulting in a decline in structural integrity.
Wear & Tear: Regular usage and exposure to environmental elements causing gradual damages.
Transportation or Installation: Lack of precision, during transportation and installation processes creating potential damages.
Oil and Grease Pollutions: Contamination compromising the integrity of the blades and creating potential hazards
Lightning Strike: A powerful force causing severe damages, requiring careful inspection and repair.
Vibration from an Unbalanced Blade: Imbalances leading to vibration, causing structural stress.
Design or Production or Material Failure: Issues in design, production processes, or materials resulting in damages.
BladeTex Your Partners in Renewable Energy
Contact us today to schedule an inspection tailored to your specific needs. Entrust your wind turbines to our seasoned expertise, and together, let’s secure a sustainable and prosperous future through the meticulous care of your wind energy investments.